To demonstrate some cluster functionality, I set up a demo application with 4 microservices, a web server & a database/cache (Redis).
The application can be accessed using the appdomain on (Ingress Source) The source code & Kubernetes manifests are in this git repo.
The app also features complete observability, part of the platforms offered functionality, which can be viewed here (This is behind Zero Trust, all members of the GitHub Org are authorized)
Architecture Graph
flowchart LR User ==> ing subgraph Monitoring Namespace lk(Loki) prom(Prometheus) tempo(Tempo) end subgraph sn [Showcase Namespace] ing{{Ingress}} ==> tank ing ==> tetra ing ==> butter ing ==> puffer tank(Tank) --> sprite(Sprite Service) sprite --> redis puffer(Puffer) --> tetra puffer --> butter tetra(Tetra) --> redis butter(Butterfly) --> redis redis(Redis) --> star star(Starfish) otel(OTel Collector) tetra -.-> otel puffer -.-> otel star -.-> otel butter -.-> otel sm{{Service Monitor}} -.-> tetra sm -.-> puffer sm -.-> butter sm -.-> star end lk --> sn prom --> sm otel --> tempo